ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (Formerly TMB Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries) Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2021 26 the hedged cash flows are still expected to occur, then the amount accumulated in the hedging reserve is not reclassified until the hedged cash flows affect profit or loss; if the hedged cash flows are expected to affect profit or loss in multiple reporting periods, then the Bank and its subsidiaries reclassify the amount in the hedging reserve from OCI to profit or loss on a straight-line basis. For derivatives used to dynamic hedge of assets or liabilities, the Bank and its subsidiaries continue using an accrual basis of derivatives. Embedded derivatives Derivatives may be embedded in another contractual arrangement (a host contract). The Bank and its subsidiaries account for an embedded derivative separately from the host contract when: - the host contract is not an asset in the scope of IFRS 9; - the host contract is not itself carried at FVTPL; - the terms of the embedded derivative would meet the definition of a derivative if they were contained in a separate contract; and - the economic characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative are not closely related to the economic characteristics and risks of the host contract. Separated embedded derivatives are measured at fair value, with all changes in fair value recognised in profit or loss unless they form a part of a qualifying cash flow or net investment hedging relationship. 3.5 Securities purchased under resale agreements/Securities sold under repurchase agreements The Bank and its subsidiaries enter into agreements to purchase securities or to sell securities back at certain dates in the future at fixed prices. Amounts paid for securities purchased subject to a resale commitment are presented as assets under the caption of “Interbank and money market items, net (assets)” or “Loans to customers”, depending upon the type of its counterparty, in the statements of financial position, and the underlying securities are treated as collateral to such receivables. Securities sold subject to repurchase commitments are presented as liabilities under the caption of “Interbank and money market items (liabilities)” or “Debt issued and borrowings, net”, depending upon the type of its counterparty, in the statements of financial position, at the amounts received from the sale of those securities, and the underlying securities are treated as collateral. The difference between the purchase and sale considerations is recognised as interest income or expenses, as the case may be, over the transaction periods. 3.6 Investments in subsidiaries and associates Investments in subsidiaries and associates as stated in the Bank only financial statements are accounted for using the cost method less allowance for impairment losses, (if any). Impairment losses are recorded as expenses in profit or loss. Investment in associates in the consolidated financial statements are accounted for using equity method. If the Bank and its subsidiaries receive shares as a result of debt restructuring of a borrower, which cause them to hold more than 50% or 20% of the paid-up share capital of such company, they will not treat that investee company as a subsidiary or an associate, respectively. The Bank and its subsidiaries do not treat investments in any mutual funds in which they hold more than 50% or 20% of the issued units of the fund as investments in a subsidiary or an associate, respectively, because the Bank and its subsidiaries do not have control or influence over the financial and operating policies of these funds, which are independently managed by the fund managers in accordance with the details stipulated in the mutual fund prospectus and under the supervision of the Office of Securities and Exchange Commission. 270 TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited