ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (Formerly TMB Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries) Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2021 37 Credit Risk Policies and Guidelines The Bank has put in place Master Credit Risk Management Policy to govern all key aspects of credit risk management in compliance with the Bank of Thailand’s regulatory requirements and the Bank’s strategic direction. In addition, credit risk management sub policies, guidelines are established to provide the guidance in each credit risk aspect stated in Master Credit Risk Management Policy. The Board of Directors has the responsibility to review and approve the Bank’s Master Credit Risk Management Policy and has delegated the approval authority of underlying credit risk management sub policies, guidelines to Sub-Committees as deemed appropriate. All relevant business units and support units are required to formulate supplementary credit policies, guidelines, framework, standards, criteria, processes and procedures specific to their respective businesses. Credit Risk Management Processes Credit Risk Management consists of 5 key processes: 1) Risk appetite setting: The Bank annually sets credit risk appetites which are input for and aligned with the business planning process, are discussed in and endorsed by the relevant Sub-Committees, and ultimately approved by the Board of Directors as part of Master Risk Appetite. Actual credit performance is regularly measured against and reported on the basis of credit risk appetites. 2) Risk Identification: The Bank identifies and manages credit risk inherent in all products and activities. The risks of new products and activities are subject to adequate risk management procedures and controls before being introduced or undertaken and approved in advance by relevant Committees. 3) Risk Assessment & Measurement: The Bank uses different methods and tools to measure credit risk in both quantitative and qualitative aspects. In addition, the Bank also conducts credit risk stress testing to measure the quality and resilience of the Bank’s credit portfolio and the Bank’s capacity to absorb the impact resulting from various stress event scenarios. 4) Risk Monitoring and Control: The Bank regularly monitors, controls and mitigates credit risk by setting key credit risk indicators, credit risk limits, as well as credit risk appetite at Bank-wide, BU, Portfolio and other levels as deemed appropriate. 5) Risk Reporting & Communication: The Bank regularly reports the status of credit risk as well as actions taken / to be taken are reported to relevant parties / committees and top management on a regular basis. The risk reports cover product level, portfolio level, functional level, and the bank-wide level. Credit Approval Process In managing credit risk, the Bank and its subsidiaries segregate the roles and responsibilities of the credit marketing function from the credit granting function to ensure proper checks and balances. Individual credit risk is analyzed and assessed by experienced credit officers and approved by an appropriate authority depending on the size and credit rating of customer. 281 Form 56-1 One Report 2021