ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (Formerly TMB Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries) Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2021 39 credit risk models is in addition to those used in the credit process mentioned above. It is also intended to be used to set an allowance for loss as well as estimation of regulatory capital and economic capital. The Bank and its subsidiaries set up Risk Rating Guideline to provide the logic and use of creating and verifying modelbased Risk Ratings. The Bank and its subsidiaries use different risk rating models according to different borrower segment. The credit risk level depends on the estimation of the debtor's default risk and risk rating. The Bank and its subsidiaries have designed two types of credit risk assessment models: (1) Internal rating models for Commercial portfolio; Use information based on the latest financial position and quality assessments of borrowers and (2) Internal rating models for small business, Retail and Hire Purchase portfolio which are based on behavioral study and/or credit limit utilization history together with reliable statistical methods to categorize credit risk grade or determine the appropriate probability of default according to the debtor's risk level. Exposures and the corresponding credit risk grades are subject to review at a frequency stipulated in the Guideline. Risk rating models, and the performance of the models are subject to regular monitoring. This is a process to keep both risk grade and models up to date and qualified. A credit risk grade is ranked from lowest to highest. The lower the number in the rank, the lower the probability of default. The highest rating represents stage3 loans with probability of default of 100%. In addition to the internal rating, the Bank and its subsidiaries also use external ratings from an international rating agency as references for credit risk grade of investment related activities/portfolios. Information related to expected credit loss (ECL) Significant increase in credit risk (SICR) Quantitative factors include an assessment of whether there has been significant increase in the forward-looking probability of default (PD) since origination. A forward-looking PD is one that is adjusted for future economic conditions to the extent these are correlated to changes in credit risk. If the thresholds are exceeded, the instrument is considered to have experienced a significant increase in credit risk. Qualitative factors assessed include those linked to current credit risk management processes. Indicators could include weak operating results or observed liquidity issues among various other factors. 283 Form 56-1 One Report 2021