ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (Formerly TMB Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries) Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2021 46 The Bank and its subsidiaries also analyse risks and regularly assess the impact, the results of which are used as tools to manage the Bank’s assets and liabilities structure to be in line with the changing market environment. 6.2.1 Interest rate risk Interest rate risk is the risk from future movements in market interest rates including changes in interest rates of rate sensitive assets and liabilities that will have negative impact to the Bank’s and its subsidiaries’ operating results, cash flows and economic value. The Bank and its subsidiaries’ principal financial assets, namely loans to customers mostly earn interest at floating rates, based on MRR, MLR, MOR, interest rates of time deposits or other benchmark floating rates such as BIBOR, LIBOR, etc. As at 31 December 2021 and 2020, significant financial assets and liabilities classified by interest repricing periods were as follows: Consolidated 2021 Repricing periods Over Non- Non- Within 3 months Over performing interest 3 months to 1 year 1 year assets bearing Total (in million Baht) Financial assets Cash - - - - 16,011 16,011 Interbank and money market items net of deferred revenue 136,453 171 10 - 22,258 158,892 Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss 1,043 - - - 378 1,421 Investments, net 28,575 19,904 128,859 - 2,891 180,229 Investments in subsidiaries and associates, net - - - - 8,620 8,620 Loans to customers net of deferred revenue 777,862 159,301 374,919 42,121 18,112 1,372,315 Other financial assets - net 1,864 - - - 5,711 7,575 Total financial assets 945,797 179,376 503,788 42,121 73,981 1,745,063 Financial liabilities Deposits 1,192,313 58,467 44,374 - 44,041 1,339,195 Interbank and money market items 60,856 10,344 9,741 - 4,025 84,966 Liabilities payable on demand - - - - 5,325 5,325 Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss 437 - - - - 437 Debts issued and borrowings 2,210 16,870 49,299 - 19 68,398 Other financial liabilities 963 9 - - 15,463 16,435 Total financial liabilities 1,256,779 85,690 103,414 - 68,873 1,514,756 290 TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited