TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (Formerly TMB Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries) Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2021 51 Consolidated 2021 2020 Upward shift 100 bps Upward shift 100 bps (in million Baht) THB (2,794) (2,692) USD 124 148 Others (7) 2 Total effect of change in interest rate (2,677) (2,542) Bank only 2021 2020 Upward shift 100 bps Upward shift 100 bps (in million Baht) THB (2,796) (293) USD 124 130 Others (7) (4) Total effect of change in interest rate (2,679) (167) 6.3 Liquidity risk Liquidity risk refers to the risk that the Bank and its subsidiaries fail to meet its obligations as and when they fall due as a result of an inability to liquidate assets into cash in time or is unable to raise funds necessary for its operations, causing damage to the Bank. The ALCO is responsible for assisting the BOD and the ROC in supervising the liquidity risk management of the Bank in compliance with the BoT’s regulations and ensuring that the Bank has sufficient liquidity for its operations in both normal and crisis situations. In addition, the ALCO is responsible for ensuring that appropriate funding sources are secured in line with the changing market environment. The Balance Sheet Management unit is responsible for overall liquidity management. The Global Markets and Transaction Banking unit is responsible for day-to-day liquidity management. Additionally, the responsibilities of the Balance Sheet Management unit include liquidity risk measurement and reporting the performance of the liquidity management to the ALCO. The Market Risk Management unit is responsible for identifying, monitoring and controlling the liquidity risk. The Bank has the Liquidity Risk Management Policy, which is reviewed at least once a year or when necessary, to ensure that it is appropriate with the prevailing environment. The Bank and each company in the Bank’s financial business group manage their liquidity risk separately. In order to manage liquidity, the Bank and its subsidiaries continually monitor its funding sources and access to capital markets. Derivatives are used for balance sheet management to hedge the portfolio of loans, deposits and debts issued and borrowings. The Bank and its subsidiaries recognise the importance of holding highly liquid assets that can be quickly converted into cash or used as collateral for raising funds. Risk indicators are used as tools to measure and monitor liquidity risk. These comprise financial ratios such as Loans to Deposits Ratio (LDR), Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR), and Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR), as well as cash flow models incorporating Contractual Liquidity Gap and Behavioral Liquidity Gap. The Bank and its subsidiaries set risk limits and indicators in order to maintain its liquidity risk within the Bank and its subsidiaries’ approved risk appetite. The liquidity position is monitored and reported on daily and monthly basis to the ALCO. 295 Form 56-1 One Report 2021