TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (Formerly TMB Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries) Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2021 53 Consolidated 2020 Within No At call (1) 1 year 1 - 5 year Over 5 year maturity Total (in million Baht) Financial assets Cash - - - - 21,943 21,943 Interbank and money market items net of deferred revenue 23,308 187,641 290 - - 211,239 Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss - 314 2,270 830 374(2) 3,788 Investments, net Investments in debt instruments measured at AMC - 35 569 17 - 621 Investments in debt instruments measured at FVOCI 101 27,806 103,476 830 - 132,213 Investments in equity instruments designated at FVOCI - - - - 1,517(2) 1,517 Investments in subsidiaries and associates, net - - - - 8,599(2) 8,599 Loans to customers net of deferred revenue 118,447 423,422 433,288 378,175 39,593(3) 1,392,925 Other financial assets - net 597 1,048 - 208 10,469 12,322 Total financial assets 142,453 640,266 539,893 380,060 82,495 1,785,167 Financial liabilities Deposits 1,186,604 177,876 8,928 - - 1,373,408 Interbank and money market items 31,282 36,942 7,685 - - 75,909 Liabilities payable on demand 3,895 - - - - 3,895 Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss - - 300 132 - 432 Debts issued and borrowings 10 28,542 60,292 121 - 88,965 Other financial liabilities 925 5,346 901 310 12,605 20,087 Total financial liabilities 1,222,716 248,706 78,106 563 12,605 1,562,696 Net liquidity gap (1,080,263) 391,560 461,787 379,497 69,890 222,471 (1) Including transactions with 1-day term. (2) Investment in equity securities. (3) Non-performing loans. 297 Form 56-1 One Report 2021