ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (Formerly TMB Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries) Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2021 59 Bank only Carrying Fair value amount Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total (in million Baht) At 31 December 2020 Financial assets Financial assets measured at FVTPL 1,126 - 979 147 1,126 Derivative assets Foreign exchange rate 6,118 - 6,118 - 6,118 Interest rate 3,895 - 3,895 - 3,895 Total 10,013 - 10,013 - 10,013 Investments, net Investments in debt instruments measured at FVOCI 72,864 - 72,864 - 72,864 Investments in equity instruments designated at FVOCI 459 - - 459 459 Total 73,323 - 72,864 459 73,323 Loans to customers and accrued interest receivables, net 693,775 - 693,775 - 693,775 Total financial assets 778,237 - 777,631 606 778,237 Financial liabilities Deposits 815,678 - 815,693 - 815,693 Financial liabilities measured at FVTPL 432 - 432 - 432 Derivative liabilities Foreign exchange rate 4,436 - 4,436 - 4,436 Interest rate 3,708 - 3,708 - 3,708 Total 8,144 - 8,144 - 8,144 Debt issued and borrowings 88,960 - 90,935 - 90,935 Total financial liabilities 913,214 - 915,204 - 915,204 The following methods and assumptions were used by the Bank and its subsidiaries in estimating fair value of financial instruments as disclosed herein. - Cash: The fair value is approximated based on its carrying value. - Interbank and money market items (assets): The fair value is approximated based on the carrying amount of interbank and money market items, except for the fair value of fixed rate items with remaining maturity period greater than 1 year which is calculated based on the present value of future cash flows of principal and interest, discounted at market interest rates. - Financial assets measured at FVTPL and investments: The fair value of investments in government-sector debt securities is determined, using yield rates or prices quoted on the Thai Bond Market Association (“ThaiBMA”). The fair value of investments in other debt securities issued locally is determined based on market value appraised by the reliable institutions, their respective yields, or the ThaiBMA’s yield rates adjusted by appropriate risk factors. For defaulted debt securities, the fair value is determined based on estimated recovery by considering the credit risk. 303 Form 56-1 One Report 2021