ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (Formerly TMB Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries) Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2021 71 12.2. 2 Cash flow hedge The Bank and its subsidiaries use cross-currency interest rate swaps to manage the variability in future cash flow on its assets and liabilities, mainly investments and borrowings, and cost in foreign currencies. The cross-currency interest rate swaps are contracts which involve the exchange of principal and interest in different currencies with counterparties for a specified period. Gains or losses arising on the effective portion of the hedges are deferred in other comprehensive income until the variability on the cash flow affects profit and loss, at which time the gains or losses are transferred to profit or loss. For the year ended 31 December 2021, the Bank and its subsidiaries recognised losses on cash flow hedges in other comprehensive income amounting to Baht 17 million and gains amounting to Baht 157 million in consolidated and Bank only financial statements, respectively. For the year ended 31 December 2021, losses reclassified from the hedge reserve to profit or loss were Baht 81 million including amount recognised fromunwinding hedging instruments and Baht 209 million in consolidated and Bank only financial statements, respectively. 13 Investments, net 13.1 Classified by type of investments Consolidated 2021 2020 (in million Baht) Investments in debt securities measured at amortised costs Private debt securities - 622 Total 622 Less allowances for expected credit loss - (1) Net - 621 Investments in debt securities measured at FVOCI Government and state enterprise securities 151,581 108,268 Private debt securities 11,972 11,976 Foreign debt securities 13,786 11,900 Others - 69 Total 177,339 132,213 Allowances for expected credit loss (2,953) (1,767) Investments in equity securities designated measured at FVOCI Marketable equity securities - domestic - 910 Non-marketable equity securities - domestic 2,884 603 Non-marketable equity securities - overseas 6 4 Total 2,890 1,517 Total investments - net 180,229 134,351 315 Form 56-1 One Report 2021